If You Want Smarter Kids Teach Them Music, Not Coding, According To MIT

Droits réservés : Photo by Marius Masalar on Unsplash

Summary of article by Harley Manson
Awareness Act

Recent research, including a study by MIT published in the Journal of Neuroscience, suggests that while coding has been touted as beneficial for children's intelligence and success, music may actually offer greater advantages. Contrary to the belief that coding enhances math and language skills, the study reveals that learning music in early life significantly shapes brain development, fostering increased connectivity and neurological capabilities. The research, involving brain scans of professional musicians and non-musicians, indicates that musicians possess notably stronger structural and functional brain networks, particularly in areas related to speech and sound. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of early music training, as those who began musical practice earlier displayed more robust neural connections. The findings imply that early exposure to music could lead to smarter children with enhanced cognitive abilities. This challenges the traditional emphasis on coding and suggests that music may be a more effective pathway to nurturing intelligence and success in children.


