Music also matters in the real world

Droits réservés : Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Summary of article by Edward R. Howe, Thompson Rivers University

The Conversation

The author, Edward R. Howe, shares a personal journey of how involvement in music, particularly through band, significantly impacted his life and shaped his career trajectory towards teaching STEM subjects. However, he expresses concern over the diminishing presence of music education in schools, attributing it to a shift towards prioritizing "back to basics" educational approaches and neoliberal ideologies. Despite evidence highlighting the positive influence of music on child development and well-being, many view music education as a "frill" and prioritize academic subjects over the arts. Howe argues that this trend disproportionately affects students from lower-income families and deprives them of the benefits of music education. He emphasizes the importance of holistic education and advocates for the inclusion and support of music programs alongside STEM initiatives. Howe concludes by calling for a broader discussion on the value of music education and its role in nurturing well-rounded individuals.
